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Z: BACK TO SCHOOL ARCHIVE OF ORIGINAL, POSTED AT http://zephdaniel.blogspot.com/ Friday, June 22, 2007 by Zeph E Daniel He that saith unto the wicked, Thou [art] righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him: But to them that rebuke [him] shall be delight, and a good blessing shall come upon them. Proverbs 24:24-25 The recent interview with Red Elk bore the fruit of truth. He stated that the "inner Hayoka" (spelling mine) were going away from their former duties as helpers--"of the medicine way," Red Elk called it--for up to a year to receive teachings. To learn. I did not think so much of it, until I examined myself and the attachments, concepts, habits and then gauging the perceived good that I was doing on behalf of the Lord. I could not believe how many changes were prophesied and now they occur (the End of the US (confirmed with the NAU) War with Iraq (prophesied to be a loss), Iran (already covert war declared), WW3 (begins with economic war), the economy, and the now much talked about and predicted domestic terror, which we are about to see now, and which will change the face of "freedom" forever. Also, the end of free speech was predicted, and now it is here, with hardly a whimper! And then I realized that Red Elk's statement was prophetic--in a sense, a response to this rapid, all-inclusive change in the world, a kind of technological Dark Ages has befallen modern man, and a retreat to Barbarism, i.e. a kind of primitively civilized and educated society, where citizens are unaware of their history, fall into illiteracy (caused by the Internet), into tribalism and finally, into massive violence. Those who are unaware of history are destined to repeat it, which is what the powers that be desperately want. I am being changed, and called (by Jah-Creator) to something far different than anything before--and when I return I won't be as I am now, and neither will many of you. This is a true word. This word comes from the the One Lord who made us all. As the world changes radically before our eyes, is the response BLASE? Is the response, Ho-Hum? Is the response, So-What? Been there, done that? Well I can tell you objectively, nothing that we have seen the last year or so has ever occurred before, and the return to barbarism is just a few staged riots away. You see, education and reading must be banished, but you can't just tell the people not to read, you must induce them into not reading. This comes from the Television-Movie-Computer Game technology. When there is no reading, there can be no pondering of the great questions, the battle of truth versus error over the ages, the history of wars and the solutions, and the knowledge of GOD AND HIS WAYS. Reading and writing, in fact, are the things that separate CIVILIZATION from CHAOS. Today, children read their Bibles in a guided fashion, and not on their own--so their understanding is crafted by their teachers, pastors and parents, who are also controlled. Christianity, as we said before, is a failure today--because in a state of Barbarism, or lack of civilization, lack of education, lack of understanding, there can be no civilization, and Christianity can only flourish as a civilization. Pastors such as Rick Warren and others of that ilk seek to control and conform their populations of mindless dupes into good little Stepford Wives and Husbands, for the purpose of some nefarious activity later on--i.e. Barbarism leads to nefarious activity. But let me not go so far afield now. The destruction of the Christian church occurred long ago, and due to corruption entering--which is God's will. It is God's will because: After entering into relationship with God and receiving blessing upon blessing, many turn to their own understanding and their own ways. Thus, corruption enters in because there is no appreciation of what God has done for the people, and they think they know better, attempting to put God into a box and making Him a mockery--THE GREAT GENIE. Even the Book of Jude states is perfectly: For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Jude 1:4 My friends, these are not obvious enemies on the surface--they would never make it through the door! No, these are those who ended up taking over, using Christianity for political ends, as a conforming mechanism for society, and a bait and switch tool of Luciferianism and teaching the world's corrupting ways through initiation to the youth. I.e. Paganism. Nothing has changed since then, but you may not appreciate why God allowed this to happen. It is because, Christianity could not become civilized unless these corrupt individuals crept in and took over, and eventually Constantine made it the official religion of the Empire, and God's will was done in this regard. This is how the religion spread, as much through bloodletting as missionary work--and it was magnificently successful, and the world is still very much conformed to the Christian culture today. And despite what Einstein and others said, that Buddhism would be the ideal global religion, Christian culture still persists and can only be changed if it is destroyed, which will only happen if Barbarism returns as an interim disconnect. Barbarism would exemplify itself as lawlessness, corrupt fiefdoms (gangs ruling), political corruption, gulag state, the end of free speech, constant war, resources squandered, men and women overworked and underpaid, and all uneducated (enter in the media). Yes. The final battle has begun and few if any complain. All that we prophesied, pretty much, in the beginning, just after 911, has come due, and that which is not overt has come due on paper, at least. Not a whimper. No interest in fulfilled prophecy either by the Christian (soon to be Barbaric) community. Imagine this: NO ART, NO MUSIC, NO POLITICS, NO PHILOSOPHY, NO HISTORY, EVERYTHING CORPORATIZED, NO FREEDOM, NO MIND, NO REASON TO LIVE. That is what has happened over the past 5 and a half years, or since this writer has been writing. Accurate prophecy, miracle healings, the Word of God, the amazing spiritual adventure and warfare--ALL SILENCED, no interest, no acknowledgement. It has been killed in people. That is, NO UNDERGROUND CHURCH. No rebuttal. Not even a whimper. Once it reaches this condition, the Great Gardener must burn the slag from the land, to make the land productive again. Masses of people will be killed, but not for their faith, but rather, the lack of INTEREST in FATHER-MAKER. The only reason we live at all is BECAUSE OF HIM, AND FOR HIS PURPOSE. How many inquire of Him? Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously. Isaiah 24:23 But this is not all. The Remnant, the very small Remnant that is left, IS Mount Zion: They that trust in the LORD [shall be] as mount Zion, [which] cannot be removed, [but] abideth for ever. Psalm 125:1 The people of God will not be removed, as they and the Father are One in-through-because-of Christ. Now this also confirms in John 17: That they all may be one; as thou, Father, [art] in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. John 17:21-23 And thus, this prophecy is fulfilled in the Remnant, which is (as) Mount Zion, and ultimately, Reality flows to and from Mount Zion, where the Remnant are established as the high-priests in the Order of Melchizedek, sons of God. Mount Zion are those who inhabit the world and stand against the Barbarism of Ignorant Christendom and all world religions at this time. The Kingdom of God, furthermore, is where God is, within those who trust in Him for Salvation through Jesus Christ. It is just that clear. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believe on his name. John 1:12 BACK TO IT And so, the gathering, this day, June 22, 2007, has begun. We will leave all the debate, the endless blathering of so-called Christians calling for Bush to bomb the Muslims (when we are certainly not enemies with Muslims!), of so-called Christians pining and moaning for the Rapture (when we are already), and ridiculous wanting and never receiving (hence the lack of freedom in Christ to do the WORKS). The Nazification of Christianity into Barbarism by the Purpose Driven Drivel, by the Protestant church, as in the days of Adolf Hitler, only worse. (the personal testimony I gave regarding John MacArthur's mega church and Chuck Smith's mega Calvary Chapel church (and so many others I visited) are famous--easy to find if you doubt)--Satanism is the norm. That is the system by which all global societies conduct business. It is a sub-culture, but the dominant culture. ON the surface we know it as Military Dictatorship, Criminal Politics, The Way of the World. Is it any wonder that Father would now anoint HIS OWN, as Mount Zion? Because His Own are One IN Him, and He is One in His Own? Thus, THIS AND NOTHING EXTERNAL IS MOUNT ZION, AND THE FULFILLMENT OF ALL THINGS, ALREADY. Those who keep looking WILL NEVER BE SATISFIED. DARK DAYS And so beloved children of the True Light, stay the course. Two days ago through prayer and the goodness of God, I helped to being a total healing miracle to someone beloved. It was instantaneous and permanent. Imagine this going on everywhere we go? Ah, but first deprogramming! Ah, but then LEARNING. With the power of God in you, do you LIVE THIS? Are you fully aware of where you are going? Have you had the faith to bring greater works? I remind you, Abraham did not get going with God until 80 years of age! It is not too late. I will say this: IT IS ON. They will not be able to track our comings and goings. As we are also blase about Internet Christian sites as well, understanding the inertia that occurs from listening to talk with no confirmation, and all the while confirmation is HERE. Not a whimper? Red Elk was right--we are being called to at least a year of LEARNING. Those in the Medicine Way. Many in the Medicine Way are healers who heal others without the others knowing who the healers are. This is the marvelous thing about God-Father-YHWH-Jah-One. I adopt "Jah" as a legitimate Name of our Creator in honor of my Nazirite brothers who are labeled "Rastas," and really just the Remnant of the Lord. That's what we are. Brothers and sisters, when they do not hear your words, when they mock and belittle you, you must withdraw before you become blas'e yourself. After all, we are the Underground. That is a good name for us. Dust off your sandals when they do not receive you--and retreat for your learning. Let the wild shouting and screaming online go on. Most of them are wrong. They want to codify it and they do not listen to the Spirit. That is why we left talk radio--as most on these airwaves FALL. Mammon takes hold because they all need money to continue...that's where it begins, how much corruption depends on the person--but death of spirit is not worth it. TBN would be the ultimate example of Satanist Pigs on Parade, cloaking themselves as brethren, when they are simply wolves in outlandish clothing. Shalom (Yah-Jah-YHWH-Jesus-Yahoshua-Y'SVH Bless you)
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