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Q&A - The World System, Carrying Your Cross (Bilingual - English/Sinhala) Q&A - The World System, Carrying Your Cross
Q&A - Genesis and the Big Bang Theory (Nowhere To Run) &A - Genesis and the Big Bang Theory
Q&A - Advising People, Bible & Use of Scripture, Curbing your Words, ... Q&A - Advising People, Bible & Use of Scripture, Curbing your Words, ...
Q&A - Consciousness Q&A - Consciousness
Q&A - Dooms Day, The Da Vinci Code, ... Q&A - Dooms Day, The Da Vinci Code, ...
Q&A - The Head and the true Body of Christ; Feng Shui;
Idolatry and witchcraft traps; History of the Bible; Dinosaurs; Rolling Stones
Q&A - The Head and the true Body of Christ; Feng Shui; Idolatry and witchcraft traps; History of the Bible; Dinosaurs; Rolling Stones
Q&A - Communion; Conformity vs. Individuality; False Leadership; The Illusion
of Time; the Nature of the Body of Christ; Dying to self; Keeping the Connection;
Godly Decision Making
Q&A - Communion; Conformity vs. Individuality; False Leadership; The Illusion of Time; the Nature of the Body of Christ; Dying to self; Keeping the Connection; Godly Decision Making
Q&A - House keeping, marriage in church, water baptism, John 17,
birthday surprise, etc.
Q&A - House keeping, marriage in church, water baptism, John 17, birthday surprise, etc.
Q&A - A living Word; Continuous Connection; The Old Covenant Practices vs.
the New Covenant; Rules and Limitations; Ungodly leadership;
Going to Church & Jesus Outside Knocking; When did the church become
an institution?; What is Church?
Q&A - A living Word; Continuous Connection; The Old Covenant Practices vs. the New Covenant; Rules and Limitations; Ungodly leadership; Going to Church & Jesus Outside Knocking; When did the church become an institution?; What is Church?
Q&A - Is the cross a valid symbol for Christianity? Q&A - Is the cross a valid symbol for Christianity?
Q&A - Effective Study; The will of God; Prophesy; Spiritual Gifts;
Practical Spirituality; Relationships
Q&A - Effective Study; The will of God; Prophesy; Spiritual Gifts; Practical Spirituality; Relationships
Q&A - Who was Cain's father & What happens after death   click here to open Q&A - Who was Cain's father & What happens after death


"..choose you this day whom ye will serve;" (Jos 24:15)