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"Gospel For Asia" Tsunami Orphan Fraud

The GFA tragedy is one that it was very sad for us to report on. We were heartbroken by the reality of what happened, but we were also filled with righteous indignation. Some of the letters that were written on our side were very spirited, but we hold fast to the underlying standard. Search the web or contact the Sri Lankan Government for figures or statistics if links are not available or have been modified; be mindful that this video and this case is dated.

We encourage all ministries (and accountability organizations) to conduct themselves with integrity for the sake of Christ if He truly be your Lord (Rom 2:24). The following is a breakdown of the correspondence with GFA and the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) in our efforts to follow up with them directly. It was only when our efforts were unsuccessful that we made the video.

Read on if you wish.

Correspondence with GFA

Correspondence with ECFA


"..choose you this day whom ye will serve;" (Jos 24:15)